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How Transportation Management Software Drives Your Trucking Business Towards Success

Truck driving

A TMS puts your business in high gear to take on more.

As your business grows, as you become more and more successful, there is one thing that will bring growth and success to a screeching halt: disorganization. When you were just starting out, you could probably keep track of things in a notebook. When you needed to create an estimate, generate an invoice, or figure out how much to pay someone, you might use a spreadsheet or two.

It was manageable.

Now you have more trucks, more drivers, more customers, and more loads you’re keeping track of. Your office is becoming a sea of paper and your computer desktop is covered in files. Now you can’t keep track of the number of spreadsheets you’re using—or even what’s the right version you should be using.

You probably hired someone to help you with all the administrative work at some point, and on good days they look only slightly dazed, on bad days, you just slide new invoices onto their desk and back away quietly.

You’ve reached a point where you can’t grow your business with “business as usual”. The mish-mash of systems is crumbling under the weight of it all—and your employees are starting to feel the crunch. It’s time for a change. It’s time to get organized.

It’s time for Transportation Management Software (TMS).

What Our Customers Say

When we asked our customers what the best thing about using a TMS was more than 88% said it was getting their business organized. Getting organized helped them have some quick wins and set them up for long-term growth and success.

Getting organized isn’t about changing how you do business, it isn’t about “doing trucking differently”, it’s about letting software help you manage all the details—your dispatches, your assets, your people, your invoices, your driver/carrier payments—in one place.

4 Ways a TMS Helps Your Business Succeed

Remember when you could look in one place and know everything about your business? A TMS brings that back, and lets you grow too. A TMS gives everyone the same picture. No more “oh you have the old version of the schedule, we just updated it” or “let me find the driver spreadsheet” or any of the other things you hear every day.

No more trying to sync driver timesheets to invoices. No more spending hours reconciling accounts or resending invoices. You have one source of truth that everyone in your company can use. Drivers can use an app to log pickups and deliveries. Dispatch knows exactly where trucks and drivers are. And at the end of the month, you know how your business is doing.

Staff Alignment

A TMS gets everyone on your staff on the same page. With one, single source of truth, everyone shares a common picture of:

  • Your customers
  • Shipments
  • Drivers
  • Any number of critical business details

A TMS helps your staff to work together, not duplicate efforts, and deliver better service to your customers.

Grow Your Business

As you grow, you simply get too big to keep track of everything the old way. As you add:

  • More trucks
  • More drivers
  • More brokers
  • More routes
  • More companies you acquire

You need a single picture of your business. You need a single view into all your operations and administration, rather than searching for it in different data ‘silos’ (Excel spreadsheets, loose piles of paper). A TMS gives you the tools, processes, and automated workflows that allows you to scale your business the smart way and not just throw more people at your problems.

Build Strong Relationships

Relationships sit at the core of the freight industry, and a TMS is the engine for building strong relationships. Your next deal, your next load, relies on capturing all the important details about the people that you work with:

  • Customers
  • Drivers
  • Carriers
  • Agents
  • Brokers
  • Shippers

You are in this for the long haul, and that means building long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with everyone you do business with. Your TMS brings this information into a single view so you can build, connect, and strengthen your relationships.

The Value of Your Business

There are many ways to value a business—tangible assets like trucks and trailers, number of customers, revenues, profitability, or key customer relationships. The value of your business is an amalgam of your customer revenues, your suppliers, your employees, and your equipment. Having a central location for all of this information—and having it in a clear, understandable format—let’s you clearly see the total value of your business.

Knowing how much your business is worth gives you the information you need if you want to:

  • Get capital to expand
  • Acquire other companies
  • Evaluate offers to buy your company
  • Pass your business on the the next generation

If you have to spend hours trying to pull everything together, you might never know how much your business is truly worth. A TMS puts everything in a single place, right in front of you. When you use a TMS you’ll always know what’s going on with your business.

Find Out How Envase Will Help You Grow

Getting started with a TMS is as simple as a short demo. We’ll show you how the system works, how it will save you time, how it saves money, and how using a TMS you can build and grow you business with intelligent bidding tools.

Get in touch to find out more.

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